
Tuesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time
June 25, 2024

Today’s Readings:

“Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.
This is the Law and the Prophets.“Enter through the narrow gate;
for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction,
and those who enter through it are many.
How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life.
And those who find it are few.”
Matthew 7:12-14

Jesus says that the gate is narrow which leads to life. It’s a warning that makes me want to sit up and pay attention to my life! Just what is it that I should take from Jesus’s words?

I think Jesus is telling us that our lives are occupied with a lot more unimportant stuff than important stuff. What is it that really matters each day in my thoughts, actions, relationships, plans?

Jesus says that the measure of what matters is this:
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

I want to be respected, noticed, cared for, appreciated and loved. That’s what I hope others “do unto me”. When I pray over my day at night, have I treated others this way? Have I found the narrow gate Jesus is describing?

Prose: from How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie

You want the approval of those with whom you come in contact.
You want recognition of your true worth.
You want a feeling that you are important in your little world.
You don’t want to listen to cheap, insincere flattery,
but you do crave sincere appreciation.
You want your friends and associates to be,
as Charles Schwab put it,
“hearty in their approbation and lavish in their praise.”
All of us want that.
So let’s obey the Golden Rule, and give unto others
what we would have others give unto us.
How? When? Where?
The answer is: All the time, everywhere.”

Music: Do Right to Me, Baby (Do Unto Others) – Bob Dylan

Don’t wanna judge nobody, don’t wanna be judged
Don’t wanna touch nobody, don’t wanna be touched
Don’t wanna hurt nobody, don’t wanna be hurt
Don’t wanna treat nobody like they was dirt
But if you do right to me, baby
I’ll do right to you too
Got to do unto others like you’d have them
Like you’d have them do unto you
Don’t wanna shoot nobody, don’t wanna be shot
Don’t wanna buy nobody, don’t wanna be bought
Don’t wanna bury nobody, don’t wanna be buried
Don’t wanna marry nobody if they’re already married
But if you do right to me, baby
I’ll do right to you too
Got to do unto others like you’d have them
Like you’d have them do unto you
Don’t wanna burn nobody, don’t wanna be burned
Don’t wanna learn from nobody what I gotta unlearn
Don’t wanna cheat nobody but don’t wanna be cheated
Don’t wanna defeat nobody if they’ve already been defeated
But if you do right to me, baby
I’ll do right to you too
Got to do unto others like you’d have them
Like you’d have them do unto you
Don’t wanna wink at nobody, I don’t wanna be winked at
Don’t wanna be used by nobody for a doormat
Don’t wanna confuse nobody, don’t wanna be confused
Don’t wanna amuse nobody and don’t wanna be amused
But if you do right to me, baby
I’ll do right to you too
Got to do unto others like you’d have them
Say, like you’d have them do unto you
Don’t wanna betray nobody, don’t wanna be betrayed
Don’t wanna play with nobody, don’t wanna be waylaid
Don’t wanna miss nobody, don’t wanna be missed
Don’t put my faith in nobody, not even a scientist
But if you do right to me, baby
I’ll do right to you too
You got to do unto others like you’d have them
Like you’d have them do unto you

2 thoughts on “Gate

  1. graciously4

    “Want recognition for true worth not cheap insincere flattery”. Cheap insincere flattery is easy to give and easy to see when on receiving end. It’s like a put down. Better alternative is keep quiet. Effects of flattery can be damaging to one’s self acceptance. New awareness for me. Thanks Renee!

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