A Sacred Peace

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Readings: http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/050118.cfm

Today, in Mercy, Jesus continues his loving assurance that He is with us always. He promises his followers peace, but not “peace” according to our human understanding. Instead, it is an immutable trust born of deep union with God and dependence on God’s protection. It endures and survives storms and darkness. Its gaze is focused on eternity. It is the peace that Jesus has demonstrated in His own life. How do we attain it? By imitating Jesus in the ordinary routines of our days – faith, trust and above all, love.

God’s Indwelling Love

Monday, April 30, 2018

Readings: http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/043018.cfm

Today, in Mercy, we are with Jesus as he continues to prepare his disciples for his departure. Jesus assures them that, if they keep his commandments, they will never be alone. Their faithfulness will allow the Presence of God to infuse their lives. We know when we have encountered someone whose life is filled with God. They don’t have to preach it – it pours out from them in kindness, peace and strength. May we welcome that Presence into our hearts by loving God and our neighbor.

How’s Your Vine-Connection?

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Readings: http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/042918.cfm

Today, in Mercy, Jesus enjoins us to remain in Him. It is a word choice that indicates that we already are in Christ, and have only to “hang in there”, so to speak. We can picture Jesus sitting in the Judean countryside, talking with his followers, as He fingers a wild green vine growing on the hillside. Such a vine can endure the severities of temperature, weather and time. But we might also picture Jesus breaking off a tendril of the vine and casting it into the dry dirt. His listeners see the lesson. No words necessary. Apart from God, our spirit cannot thrive. Let’s check our “vine-connection” today to nurture it where necessary.

Blushing a Little

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Readings: http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/042818.cfm

Today, in Mercy, Philip kind of puts his foot in his mouth. He tells Jesus, “Show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” Oh, really? Is that all, Philip? It seems like that might be enough for just about anybody, don’t you think?

And Jesus sticks it to Philip a little, “Have I been so long with you and yet you do not know Me? The Father and I are one.”

We might hear Jesus’ question echo in our hearts. Has God been with us throughout our lives and we are still slow to recognize His Presence? Do we need to wake up like Philip in order to see the face of God in nature, in our loved ones, in the joys and sorrows of our life, in all Creation? Has God already shown us more than enough to help us love and believe in Him? Maybe, blushing a little like Philip, we just need to say, “Thank You!”

Follow Him

Friday, April 27, 2018:

Readings: Acts 13:26-33, Psalm 2; John 14:1-6

Today, in Mercy, Jesus delivers the comforting words, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” Indeed, it does require an effort on our part not to worry about the many concerns that infringe on our peace. Jesus goes on to tell us that – in the long run -our life will be OK. There is already a place prepared for us in God’s heart. He then unambiguously tells us how to get there: “I am the Way.” Simple? Yes. Easy? No. Learn Him, follow Him – one step at a time. ( Couldn’t resist the song. 🤗)

The “Scriptures of Our Lives”

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Readings: Acts 13:13-25; Psalm 89; John 13:16-20

Today, in Mercy, our readings continue to extol the blessings of salvation history as it culminates in the Resurrection. In Acts, Paul recounts God’s presence throughout the Jewish Scriptures . In John’s Gospel, Jesus speaks about the fulfillment of these scriptures in Himself. Psalm 89 allows us to offer thanks for God’s presence throughout the “scriptures of our lives.” Are there times in your life when you remember God’s presence most gratefully? Are there times God has carried you through to salvation? Mary sang her thanks so beautifully that I thought our prayer would be blessed by a song about her.

Be Clothed in Humility

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Readings: 1 Peter 5:5-14; Psalm 89; Mark 16:15-20

Today, in Mercy, on this feast of St. Mark, we listen to Peter instruct the young Church in the way of Christlike leadership. Deep humility, born from a reverence for the mystery of the cross, empowers us to be true witnesses of the faith and to draw others into Christ’s love. As a student of Peter, Mark learned a first-hand account of Christ’s life, steeped in the mystery of life, death and Resurrection. Mark later shared that account with us in the gift of his Gospel.

It Was Winter

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Readings: Acts  11:19-26, Psalm 87;  John 10:22-30

Today, in Mercy, we accompany Jesus as He walks in the Temple area known as Solomon’s portico. In a very human touch, John tells us, “It was winter.” Thus, we can draw the conclusion that Jesus went inside to be warm. To think of Jesus experiencing the seasons – just as we do – makes him all the more real for us. Like us, Jesus experienced “inner seasons” too – that undulating range from sorrow to joy. When it is “winter” in our souls, and we seek the warmth of prayer, Jesus walks beside us.


The Healing Gate

Monday, April 23, 2018:

Readings: Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 42; John 10:1-10

Today, in Mercy, Jesus assures us that He is the way to eternal blessing and joy. Surely, at sometime in each of our lives, we have felt trapped behind an obstacle that kept us from our hope or need. These walls may be figurative, like fear, anger or sloth. Or they may be material, like those faced by refugees and immigrants. Jesus promises us that He is with us in all of our isolations, separations, and alienations. He promises that, through Him, there is always an open door to grace, hope, courage, and salvation. What wall do we need God’s help with today – in our personal life and in the world?

A Day To Bask in Grace

Fourth Sunday of Easter, April 22, 2018

Readings: Acts 4:8-12, Psalm 118, 1 John 3:1-2, John 10:11-18

Today, in Mercy, as we celebrate Earth Day, we are blessed with the most beautiful readings! Acts reminds us that it is in the Name of Jesus Christ that post-Resurrection grace fills the world. 1 John tells us that we are God’s children even now, and that we can’t imagine the fullness of life that grants us. In John’s Gospel, Jesus gathers us in his arms as a shepherd tenderly gathers his sheep. It is a day to gratefully bask in the infinite love God has bestowed upon us. Go out quietly with the Earth today, if you can and be blessed, dear friends.
