Will We Live Our Faith Out Loud?

Tuesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

June 25, 2019

Click here for readings

Today, in Mercy, we begin several weeks of readings from the Book of Genesis. 

Some people think of Genesis as a literal history. Others think of it more as a myth. Was there a real Adam and Eve? A real apple? A real snake?

When we get caught up in these ambivalences about Genesis, we are likely to miss the whole point. And the whole point, according to Hebrew Scripture scholar Walter Brueggemann is this:

… these texts should be taken neither as history nor as myth.
Rather, we insist that the text is a proclamation
of God’s decisive dealings with his creation. 

“God’s decisive dealings with God’s Creation…”

What a powerful phrase! So over the next few weeks, here is our opportunity:

How does God want to be with us,
to love us,
and to share the ongoing Creation with us?

Today’s reading, according to Brueggemann, is the second part of a four-part drama:

Genesis 11: 30—25: 18 “The Embraced Call of God”
Will Abraham live by faith? 

This second segment poses a profound question to us, and to our Church:
Have we embraced God’s call in our lives and will we live our faith OUT LOUD!

Jesus asks us the same question in today’s Gospel: Will we live our faith OUT LOUD?

Will we:
“Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.”


How to help children at the border and in inhuman detention centers:

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Music: By Faith -Keith and Kristyn Getty

One thought on “Will We Live Our Faith Out Loud?

  1. Marian Catholic

    To live our faith ‘out loud’ is to put our faith into action. James assures us: “Faith without works is dead.” I think of faith as a physical body which is animated to life by good works done in charity and grace. Good works constitute the soul of our Christian faith without which we cannot have eternal life within us and be saved. God bless you for another thoughtful post.

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